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New Equipment: A Generous Gift

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Tholepin Press and Studios at 210 Elm Street, Toledo OH was recently the recipient of some of the late Carolyn Autry Elloian’s printmaking equipment including inks, brushes, felts, acids, grounds, rosin, etc. 
…BUT,  most especially her new aquatint box.

Carolyn Autry's Aquatint Box

Carolyn’s meticulous aquatints are PERFECTION!! The aquatint box was made by the Polymetaal Co. in the Netherlands and is a wonderful addition to our shop. For those of you who were students of Mr. Elloian’s and knew his amazing wife, I don’t have to explain to you what an honor this is. For those of you who never had the cherished experience, no explanation is adequate. Master Printmakers and Master People of the highest order.
I am most grateful to Mr. Peter Elloian for his cosiderable generosity! It will be put to great use, and, thoughts and ispiration of the Elloians will be ever present. 